Thursday, January 28, 2010

Radio Gaga

For my first blog in this class, I wanted to pick something relevant and timely as well as interesting, like Haiti or some shocking news. I didn't think it was the best idea to discuss something already run into the ground by anyone and everyone, but I can't help it.

Even Queen understood what it would be like back before she was ever born: "All we hear is radio [Gaga], radio goo goo, radio [Gaga]..."

That's right, I'm going to talk about Lady Gaga. I figured with the Grammys right around the corner and with her nominated for Best Dance Recording, Song of the Year, Album of the Year and Record of the Year, this discussion would be current.

What makes her such a phenomenon? Why does she stand out so much in a culture full of colorful personalities, catchy music, and more artists in the pop arena than it can handle?

I think that Lady Gaga understood more than the rest of us what is needed to stand out in popular culture: Shock value but enough quality in her product to stick around. That's a tricky combination. People may complain about her weird fashion choices, but they seemed to have worked perfectly since she got you talking about them. I can't seem to go hang out with my friend without hearing Poker Face or Bad Romance at least once or twice, and he's a dude.

I wouldn't even consider myself a fan, but damn, even I'm impressed with her.

I don't think she's going to burn out any time soon; people are still sitting at the edge of their seats to try and see what she's going to come out with next. As long as she keeps up her combination of shock-and-awe and good fun, she can be around as long as Madonna has been.


  1. I agree. Shock value and a quality product is a good combo. Lady gaga reminds me of Pink, back in her hayday. Shockingly pink hair and racy lyrics made her a major hit. Other groups have tried to achieve this combo, but fell short when it came to having a good product. There are too many punk rock bands to name that have chosen to dress crazy and hoped it would catch the public eye. Unfortunately for them, their music wasn't strong enough to get them anything more than a one-hit-wonder status, if they even got that. I also agree that if she can keep up the personality and the hit songs, she will be around for quite a while. It seems like this is the type of thing that music artists have to do nowawdays in order to be kept around. Madonna, Pink, Gwen Stefani, Fergie, and now Lady Gaga have all accomplished it, and become very successful because of it.

  2. Gaga has catchy music. She is a fashion diva and that gets a lot of attention. Just look at any of her outfits, they are crazy. I agree with you, it does seem like the radio is always gaga. I guess it will calm down some day?
