Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Amazing Spider-Plan

No offense meant to all those living under rocks, but by now everyone should have heard about the new reboot of the Spider-Man franchise. For those rock-dwellers, or those who need a refresher, here's one of the breaking articles on the news from back in January: I read just today that Percy Jackson's Logan Lerman is almost definitely going to be the next Peter Parker. It's a good thing I think he's cute.

I'm pretty pissed about this. Okay, I'll be the first to admit that Spider-Man 3 was not as good as the first two, but I would have been more than willing to line up at the theatre for a Spider-Man 4 if they wanted to make one. So would millions of others. After all, the Spider-Man movie franchise has been one of the most successful in movie history! Critics and audiences have adored it. It is a big money maker if I've ever seen one.

So why are they remaking it? Why mess with a good thing? I understand Tobey's getting older and all that, but it's not like he's got wrinkles. Part of the whole deal of going to a movie is the knowledge that the movie is not real. It doesn't need to be perfect. Moreover, I think it is WAY too soon to start over. The reboot is scheduled for 2012! No wonder the world is set to end that year, it probably has something to do with the crazy, unnecessary remake slated for release. I can understand waiting a few years and then starting again, but the Tobey/Riami version is still going to be fresh in everyone's minds. Comparisons will flourish, and this movie is going to struggle under the pressure, just watch.

Don't get me wrong, I'll probably be at the theatre the week the new Spider-Man comes out, seeing if it's any good like half of America, but I really don't think it is a good idea. As my dad just said, "What's wrong with it the way it was?"

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