Monday, April 19, 2010


Last week, I watched a few episodes of the Starz! show Spartacus, and though I knew that there would be nudity (both female and male) and sex scenes, I was a little surprised about how unfair this was. What I mean is that the proportion of female nudity to male nudity was a phenomenal ratio, for you would see boobies and more every single episode while there were only a couple of nude shots of the men the half-dozen or more episodes I watched. "There's something for everyone (as the show's PR people said in an article I read a while back)" my ass. Or their asses, I suppose. The show aims to show women as powerful and smart, but considering how often they are undressing and having sex with the men, I can't help but conclude they are included in the show as little more than objects of a sexual nature, since they do little to advance the plot (other than Spartacus' wife being a damsel in distress). This show is no better than any skanky ad that uses sex to sell and I wasn't impressed. Next time, Starz! needs to do a better job of including respectable female characters if they want to have a larger demographic.

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