Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Razzie AND an Oscar? That's special.

Better late than never: Sandra Bullock's award season. It was pretty amusing to say the least. How often does an actor/actress win the best award and the worst award for acting all in the same year?

For those who don't know, she won an Academy Award for her role in The Blind Side. Good for her. But she also won a Razzie, which is where the worst of the worst are acknowledged for their roles, for her movie All About Steve. I haven't seen it, but part of the reason for that is because I heard it sucked. Perhaps it did, and Sandra's acting was cringe-inducing. What I did see, however, was Sandra's appearance at the Razzies to accept her award (which rarely ever happens, as you can imagine). It was rather classy. She showed up dressed rather casual, pulling a red wagon behind her full of All About Steve DVD. And when she walked up to the microphone, instead of saying, "Yeah, maybe the movie sucked," she basically said, "You're not looking at this movie right, and if you did, you'd see that it wasn't that bad and I didn't do a bad job. I'm giving you all copies of the movie and I want you to watch it and try to look at it differently. Then I'll come back next year and give back this award." Something like that.

I think that response was, well, cool. First, she showed up to the Razzies and accepted her award. Second, she defended herself without seeming whiney. It was classy.

Kudos to Sandra. I'd give her an award for her respectable attitude, but I think she's gotten enough of those lately.

You can watch her Razzie acceptance speech here:

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